Thoughts & Work. 2nd Year BA Drawing.

Thursday 9 December 2010

John Latham

We are using flat time house for our Text and Image show in january
I took a few photos of the exhibition space we'll have...


John Latham was the resident artist there

He worked with books and developed a theory called 'Flat Time Theory'

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Contour lines...

Digitally filming the pin striped fabric creates a diffusion of strange contour lines as the camera and screen attempt to make sense of the surface.

Monday 6 December 2010


This is the whitecubicle's blog.

I helped my housemate put up his show today, you should check it out!

...and check out his project homagenarrative here.

Friday 3 December 2010

Thursday 2 December 2010

Professional development (2)

writing your contextual statement

some of the other talks were cancelled. oh dear snow.



Eyelet and plug

Similar to the latex in effect.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Professional development (1)

Yorkshire Lions.

Today I learnt how amazing my housemates are, not that I didn't already know that. They defended me when a man was being incredibly rude and horrible to me, so I am trying to concentrate on that rather than the horribleness as it makes me feel awful and essentially did upset me a lot and tainted my day.

However, I did find the professional development talks today very interesting and helpful.


Monday 29 November 2010

wire brush to the rescue!

I have removed a lot of the rust and peeling paint with a wire brush and have begun spray painting...I ran out so I'll have to finish tomorrow!...

Sunday 28 November 2010


my rendition on 'doodlebuddy' of an advert I saw on the tube.
(it's a doodle and then it's been rubbed out, in case you can't tell...)

Friday 26 November 2010


Free event at The Welcome Collection
Palm reading

I went to see the performance of ' The Articulate Hand' by Andrew Dawson here's a clip from the performance last year.

I got Adrenaline painted on my nail.... well it's drawn from an image of a cyrstal of the adrenaline hormone

...The other nail is dopamine.

Gallery hopping

8 Kingly Street
b&w photos
Shop Front- drawings
1000 Drawings
Christo wraps central park monument
teddy bear
Argument about delivery
billing and shipping addresses different
Museum of Everything #3
Sir Peter Blake
no photography signs 
penalty= death
penalty = £1000 fine
penalty = £10 (0's covered by museum of everything's sticker) fine.

Flat Time House

we may potentially be exhibiting in flat time house, a gallery set up in the home of John Latham. This could be a great opportunity to create site specific work...


Royal Academy of Arts

“Artists’ Laboratory 02, Stephen Farthing RA”

Stephen Farthing RA, 'Boucher: The Back Story', 2010. Oil on canvas, 207 x 173 cm
Stephen Farthing RA, 'Boucher: The Back Story', #2  2010. Oil on canvas, 207 x 173 cm

this painting makes me quite angry.
the gaudy colours.
the text and image have melded into an incoherent mush.

Thursday 25 November 2010


I lied, it's so fun... but I decided it would just be far too time consuming and essentially pointless (as the grinder makes the surface rougher) for me to give my table box the rough treatment as I am intending to cover it anyway. I think I'll just file the rust and spray paint it!

Wednesday 24 November 2010


the fast version...



light weight flimsy balsa wood frame.


Boucher, François: Resting Girl (1751) , also known as Mademoiselle O'Murphy

Life drawings


 Callum and I did a collaborative life drawing piece from inside my metal frame, it was an exciting and bizzare experience. The end result is rather gruesome, Callum used ink which sparked my use of a scalpel and thus the drawing became a massacre. We moved the drawing board around the frame and at one point had the paper upside down. Many of the marks relate to our own bodies in the space as well as that of the life model.
I also asked the life model to do a pose in the frame and I sat so that I had to look through the frame to draw.

Tuesday 23 November 2010


We were just walking home with our weekly shop and I saw this-

Welding... a-ling

I'm so proud of myself. I have never welded before and now I have a nice frame and my little balsa wood frame seems to have taken a liking to it. Welding is exciting, but scary.


Monday 22 November 2010

Getting out of bed. (quickly)

....this clip was about 8 minutes, but I've only put the sped up one on at the moment as it was easier to upload!


£63 on Latex.

box masked.

work in progress....

the white cubicle.


Friday 19 November 2010

High Society

Thought I see what was on at the Welcome Collection- the Medicine Now exhibition is still running and the new show downstairs (at the entry/street level) is about drugs.

.... I couldn't help but think most of the people at the exhibition were walking around reminiscing about their own experiences while viewing the records of others'. I was quite impressed by the variety of ways drugs/drug use/drug culture etc had been explored and found my wander around to be fairly stimulating. I enjoyed the immersive works- there was a piece consisting of a bright light with a rotating shade that was quite mesmerising.

Thursday 18 November 2010


Walter Benjamin 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction' (1936)

What is the relationship between photography and tradition?
What is aura?
What's the relation of the mechanical reproduction of artwork to politics?
What do you think Walter Benjamin means by politics?

WB makes very strong claims...have his claims been proven correct?...if not, why?

Ritual cult value vs exhibition value

Authentic vs mechanical reproductions --- > destroys tradition?

without one the other cannot/does not exist- each requires the other to be defined.

the reproductions from if there is no original. Without the duplicates the authentic 'original' in simply an object with nothing from which to differentiate itself- the reproductions highlight the originals originality and authenticity.


I googled the two words to get me started, these are the first images for each word.

For me, the word mask immediately brings to mind masking tape and the idea of it covering something or repairing something.

this image from a blog called 'there I fixed it' seems to sum up my thoughts quite well