Thoughts & Work. 2nd Year BA Drawing.

Saturday 16 October 2010

The BIG draw

I'm volunteering at a two day event for THE BIG DRAW's the one of the banners we put up. 

... had a briefing today at the Hilton. They had free jelly beans :)
I am going to be helping out making a cardboard version of the skyline.

found words.

Thursday 14 October 2010


Our Image & Text tutor asked us to bring in examples of image and text to today's session. One of the things I brought in was a selection of stencils, which she liked very much and even offered to buy! Alas I could not part with them as I've had them since I was a child... plus they are just super nifty!

The thing I like most about the stencil is that it only alludes to text or image, there has officially been no permanent mark made.  I could place the stencil over any surface rand the text would change colour, the stencil is like a frame.


A selection of signs from around Heathrow Terminal 5.

Although a lot of these signs are not site specific, the notices asking for boarding passes and those listing prohibited items etc are typical of airports alone. It felt quite peculiar being without luggage or any travel documents as these signs were not applicable to us as we had no travel plans. It felt very much like we 


pretty much what it says.

New unit 6 project

Location: Terminal 5 Heathrow

First visit today.
taking a quick flight to an unspecified location on a whim- not as easy as it sounds...especially for someone who is easily stressed or worried.

I am not a Flaneur.

Here's the video documentary sort of thing that Sophie put together from footage of our visit.

Wednesday 13 October 2010


Our first lecture this year

Tuesday 12 October 2010


I have made 6 post it hands, they are images stuck onto post it's B&W because it's cheaper than colour prints and so I don't mind cutting them up to experiment!

....somehow I don't seem to have as many photos of my hand notes as I thought I would have done by now, it's typical that when I want to document my hand scrawl I no longer feel the need to note onto my hand, what is more, over the last two days I have been without my trusty biro as it ran out and I keep forgetting to put another one in my bag...simple task...if only I had a note on my hand to remind me...

I do not like my hands.