Thoughts & Work. 2nd Year BA Drawing.

Saturday 23 October 2010


Prior to out visit to Haunch of Vension next week we have been asked to research an aspect of the Punk period.

..I am looking into B Movies.

The Girl Chewing Gum

At the end of the lesson we watched a video by John Smith called The Girl Chewing Gum.

There is a voice-over which at first appears to be that of a director shouting directions to his cast and crew. as the film progresses the actions of the people and movement of the camera begin to stray from those being shouted. Thus we slowly become aware that this footage has been taken and the spoken text added to it.

West Side Story End Credits

Bob Dylan's 'Subterranean Homesick Blues'


Friday 22 October 2010

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Tuesday 19 October 2010


It's amazing what several hours of discussion and hot headed people can lead to. Just when I was starting to wish I had actually taken that flight last week so that I would have avoided all the fall out, we began to reach a common understanding of what we wanted to get from the project and how we felt about what we had done so far.

Simply repeating our behaviour from the visit to Heathrow wasn't allowing our ideas or work to evolve, rather it would lead it to stagnate. We were still intrigued by that the sense of almost claustrophobia through being confined to a place- not necessarily of a small size, but lacking stimuli and with which we could not or had no desire to interact.

We decided to try and engage with the space.
Task 1- buy something yellow.
Task 2- find something yellow that you do not pay for.


I had been toying with the idea of fitting myself into a suitcase. From our loitering point we spotted a shop called 'Quickie Heel Jobs' which sold a multitude of bags amongst other things. There was a bag large enough to fit a person in, quite comfortably and so without much hesitation I bought and got into a bag. It turns out the owner had already had a customer who had purchased a bag to fit herself in, so he was fairly blaze about my antics, the group felt this performance to be a great visual interest and so decided to all buy a bag.


An abnormal and persistent fear of closed spaces, of being closed in or being shut in, as in lifts, tunnels, or any other confined space. The fear is excessive (and quite common).
The word "claustrophobia" is an amalgam made from the Latin "claudere", to shut + the Greek "phobis", fear.


a state characterized by anxiety, restlessness, and boredom, arising from a prolonged stay in a remote or confined place.

a bad start...

Well today we went ahead with our plan to spend the afternoon in E&C shopping centre.

...I was late, as per usual it seems...and all because I thought it was a good idea to clean out our fish tank... I ended up breaking the tank when I picked it out of the sink by it's rim and had to rush to the pet shop to get another...anyway...

As soon as I arrived I felt the same flustered way I had done in heathrow and even though I am familiar with the shopping centre (having lived in E&C last year) I still felt a little lost, but more because I needed to find the others.

It seemed there was a little bit of confusion regarding the purpose of our being there, I think it was in fact the purposelessness that formed to our purpose in an almost paradoxical way. We wanted to re-create the feeling that we had travelled to a place in with no agenda and that we must stay in order to fulfil some sort of duty.

Although as I wrote yesterday the shopping centre carried vague similarities to the airport terminal we all found that there were certain feelings would only be conjured by being in an airport.

get in!

Monday 18 October 2010


We met up and discussed what we should do next in our Terminus, Exodus project.

Sophie had edited the film footage she took in the airport and made it into a sort of documentary of our day.  I think the recordings with us talking while Sophie filmed planes, the sky etc had a fantastic sense of detachment. Sophie had also tracked down the music we had heard playing whilst in the terminal and dubbed it over footage taken from the position of luggage on a trolly being pushed across the terminal, slightly sped up the passers by appear to almost dance past creating a rather comical sight!

We thought it might be interesting to re-create our experience at it clearly sparked some interesting and surreal conversation and visuals. Reluctant to return to the airport and feeling it was unnecessary to do so because we were interested in the feeling of lacking purpose in a place we tried to think of alternative places. After our tutor suggested somewhere like a supermarket or shopping centre was reminiscent of an airport for example the escalators and shops surrounding a large walkway. There would also be a steady flow of people coming and going...

So I suggested we go to the shopping centre in Elephant and Castle, which incidentally is at one 'end' of the Bakerloo line and is going to be demolished as part of a regeneration scheme in the area. We felt these factors could additionally hold resonance with the project title Terminus Exodus.

Translating text into an image...

Reading the a description of animal X... I decided it was a rhino and made this horrendous drawing...attempting to illustrate some of the eating habits etc that were also listed.

Sunday 17 October 2010

August Sander

Tate Modern
August Sander 
(17 November 1876 – 20 April 1964) 
German portrait and documentary photographer.

Photos are accompanied by text. The captions are definitive of the photos which might otherwise be seen as enigmatic. Sander wanted to make a photographic record of the German people, thus the personal details of each subject were a necessity. The formal way the photographs have been taken is also a result of their purpose. By presenting each person in the most straightforward manner one is not influenced by anything other that the subject themselves standing before you, nameless, but defined by their profession or otherwise.

Policeman, 1926