Thoughts & Work. 2nd Year BA Drawing.

Friday 19 November 2010

High Society

Thought I see what was on at the Welcome Collection- the Medicine Now exhibition is still running and the new show downstairs (at the entry/street level) is about drugs.

.... I couldn't help but think most of the people at the exhibition were walking around reminiscing about their own experiences while viewing the records of others'. I was quite impressed by the variety of ways drugs/drug use/drug culture etc had been explored and found my wander around to be fairly stimulating. I enjoyed the immersive works- there was a piece consisting of a bright light with a rotating shade that was quite mesmerising.

Thursday 18 November 2010


Walter Benjamin 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction' (1936)

What is the relationship between photography and tradition?
What is aura?
What's the relation of the mechanical reproduction of artwork to politics?
What do you think Walter Benjamin means by politics?

WB makes very strong claims...have his claims been proven correct?...if not, why?

Ritual cult value vs exhibition value

Authentic vs mechanical reproductions --- > destroys tradition?

without one the other cannot/does not exist- each requires the other to be defined.

the reproductions from if there is no original. Without the duplicates the authentic 'original' in simply an object with nothing from which to differentiate itself- the reproductions highlight the originals originality and authenticity.


I googled the two words to get me started, these are the first images for each word.

For me, the word mask immediately brings to mind masking tape and the idea of it covering something or repairing something.

this image from a blog called 'there I fixed it' seems to sum up my thoughts quite well

What to do?

After appearing for my one to one, at the wrong time, I used it to discuss how I didn't really know what I was doing and that I wasn't really doing very much. I seem to have once again begun to flounder through a lack of actually carrying out any of my ideas or plans.

after many suggestions and analysis of what could offer the

Need to develop a working method that stops me from getting stuck in a rut where I cannot get started on anything and become frustrated.

Monday 15 November 2010


I want ANGELA DE LA CRUZ to win the Turner Prize this year.

 I went to Tate Britain to see Mike Nelson's The Coral Reef, which was a very exciting and curious experience, completely different to what I expected from the descriptions I had been given by others who had already seen the show.

After emerging quite bewildered and dazed I decided to also look at the Turner Prize nominees. I felt the work of Angela De La Cruz related to my own in that she spoke about making works on a human scale and this idea of a human presence in the pieces rather than anything tangible.

She spoke about her use of humour the work, citing people such as Jaques Tati as influences. The crumpled and sorry looking canvases are quite comical in appearance, certainly the structures that have been shaped to look like other objects appear quite odd. Some had suggested that the work had a degree of violence to it, although personally I felt that although the canvases appear to have sustained damage it does not seem to have been done in as haphazard a way as one might expect from a bout of angry violence.

I'm not sure what's going on here, but it's interesting

Click to look at this man using toys to draw and to have a drawing conversation...?

also I forgot about this...sand drawings by the 2009 winner of Ukraine's got talent!