Thoughts & Work. 2nd Year BA Drawing.

Tuesday 19 October 2010


It's amazing what several hours of discussion and hot headed people can lead to. Just when I was starting to wish I had actually taken that flight last week so that I would have avoided all the fall out, we began to reach a common understanding of what we wanted to get from the project and how we felt about what we had done so far.

Simply repeating our behaviour from the visit to Heathrow wasn't allowing our ideas or work to evolve, rather it would lead it to stagnate. We were still intrigued by that the sense of almost claustrophobia through being confined to a place- not necessarily of a small size, but lacking stimuli and with which we could not or had no desire to interact.

We decided to try and engage with the space.
Task 1- buy something yellow.
Task 2- find something yellow that you do not pay for.


I had been toying with the idea of fitting myself into a suitcase. From our loitering point we spotted a shop called 'Quickie Heel Jobs' which sold a multitude of bags amongst other things. There was a bag large enough to fit a person in, quite comfortably and so without much hesitation I bought and got into a bag. It turns out the owner had already had a customer who had purchased a bag to fit herself in, so he was fairly blaze about my antics, the group felt this performance to be a great visual interest and so decided to all buy a bag.

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