Thoughts & Work. 2nd Year BA Drawing.

Friday 28 January 2011

Burnt biscuits, the story of my life...

So for the last session of my text and image elective I decided to bake some biscuits in the shape of speech bubbles... after deciding they weren't quite cooked enough I put them in the oven for a further three minutes at a higher temperature and I proceeded to burn all but 5 of them! :(
(the photo shows a selection of the burnt ones, the bottom of the biscuits were pretty much black!)

I think there's something quite funny about eating a speech bubble, it sort of implies a stifling, eating one's own words or perhaps chewing over something someone has said...?
My tutor told me about an installation by Philippe Parreno, where he created 'real' speech bubble balloons. The absence of any speech upon them, as with my biscuits, I think makes them an open invitation to the viewer mentally projecting their own words onto the bubble. It would have been interesting if people could have had more interaction with the bubbles- as balloons I would like to have attached string to each so that the viewer could take possession of a bubble in the way a person could eat my bubble biscuits...
1997, ballons en mylar, helium

I also 'collaborated' with a fellow text and image student's (Brigid Deacon) biscuits for my own entertainment...

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