Thoughts & Work. 2nd Year BA Drawing.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Sound workshop

We had a very interesting talk and workshop today led by Maryclare Foa (here's a link to her website)

She talked to us about using sound as a drawing.

Rupert Sheldrake talked about perceiving the world and as you perceive the world it perceives you.
The self has one fixed p.o.v. yet is seen from a multitude of directions...
If I have a memory, an imprint of a place then are the places imprinted with me?

Hamish Fulton and Richard long made a walking drawing, I made a video of me walking, but holding the camera's lanyard so that it was left free to dangle and record a multitude of angles as I moved. I then cropped the video to show only when the camera was aimed at me as I walked. This left a jerky collection of shots showing mainly my legs and bag as I made my journey.

I think there is potential for more work of a similar nature- I feel that the dangling camera acts as a drawing tool that I have relinquished control of... I accidentally left my camera filming last week, and ended up with a rather unfortunate video that repeatedly flashed shots of crotch as the camera dangled from my wrist. Although not ideal subject matter, these weird angle glimpses of my body proved quite intriguing.

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